Hotel Search Engine and Online Website Creation Solution

Hotel Search Engine and Online Website Creation Solution Image

Web Application For Hospitality Industry

Client Profile

Our client belongs to hospitality business domain who has global connections with various hotel .They wanted a centralized platform to manage and analyze the traffic driven to each hotel with the help of reliable technology ..

Business Requirement

The client wanted an entire system that will have multiple components like the hotel search engine, remote hotel creation & publishing engine, booking engine, remote website etc. Users could directly use the search engine if URL is familiar or when searching a particular hotel could be redirect to the remote website that has been created.

Project Overview

The project is mainly targeting the hospitality business domain. The system will have a hotel search engine, which directs the users to various hotel websites based on the search. Internally the system tracks the traffic to various hotels. As a second part of the system, for those hotels which do have high traffic, the system generates basic websites and deploys them directly at remote locations.The system will handle the booking flow for customer booking requests. The system will use an array of third party API's for content aggregation, data search, booking, weather reports, location, maps etc.

Grapelime Solution

Grapelime categorized the entire system into several modules. Each module has distinguishable roles which are tightly coupled and act as a single unit. 1. Hotel search engine & Booking system:This is a search engine limited only to the hotels and user can search for a hotel by name and the search engine will list out the hotels corresponding to it with basic details. If the platform already does have a remote website created for the hotel then it will be redirected to that website. If not, the system will track and log the usage statistics and direct the user to the original website of the hotel. 2.Remote websites:These are websites created and deployed automatically by aggregating data from various sources corresponding to a hotel, and using standard website templates. The client is provided with a user friendly backend login so as to manage the remote website, analyze the traffic, and view the database of customers and provision to make necessary content change. The system will cater to the following actors: 1. Main administrator: The administrator manages the search engine, user base, contents, remote website publishing, booking etc. All the operational and configuration elements of the platform can be managed by this user 2. End user: The end users are either those who uses the hotel search engine or those users who visits the remote websites created directly.

Features & Functionality

Hotel Search Engine: End User Side

  • The last 5 search results will be shown in the home page or the user can search a hotel in the search bar. The user upon clicking a result will be redirect to the original hotel website (if no remote site is created) or remote website (if the remote website is created).
  • The site has multi language and multi currency options including the customer reviews..
  • Conveniently select booking options (date, room type, occupancy etc) at the booking page inbuild with location map.
  • Visitor can Bookmark or Share remote website on all social media.

Main Site: Admin Screen

  • The user search and the redirection will be tracked in an activity monitor section, which will be used for identifying traffic in the back end.
  • Admin can provide the basic hotel details and HOTEL ID (from the API), along with the meta info and URL and ftp details of the server location to which the site need to be published.
  • The bookings corresponding to a remote website will be shown as a subsection to each website in the list and single blog system which is compartmentalized and used across all remote websites.


  • Web technology-LAMP stack,HTML5,CSS3
  •  Database - MySQL
  •  Language - Php
  • Cloud Platform-Amazon AWS

End Result

  • The users can search or book hotels from a hotel exclusive search engine replacing the traditional method of visiting the hotel and checking the availability of rooms and the cost details.
  • Traffic updates helps to analyze whether to make remote website of a particular hotel.
  • Provision to view the location, weather & reviews at the same page is an added convenience to users.

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